Forex Strategy HEDGE GATE
]HEDGE GATE is the best forex trading robot designed with algorithmic trading and based on a mechanical trading system (MTS). This trading advisor offers a wide range of trading strategies including scalping robot and is based on forex trading algorithm.
Automatic advisor HEDGE GATE includes many benefits such as advisor optimization, advisor testing and 87-95% profitable trades. Average position time on the market is no more than 10 hours, which allows to avoid swaps. Trade with stop loss, without averaging or martingale (although averaging can be activated if desired).
HEDGE GATE hedges the major currency pairs and uses "Gann Squared" theory to calculate market entry direction. By incorporating this forex indicator and forex strategy into your trading system, you can optimize profits and reduce risks.
Our profitable strategies are open to everyone! In addition to forex trading, our company develops and sells trading systems including free forex advisors and trading robots.
Do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of our expert advisor HEDGE GATE v.5.7 and improve your forex trading strategy. It's perfect for professional traders and beginners alike.
For example:
- the best result of trading in EUR / USD in 2013 was 1 542% of the growth of the deposit!
- the best trading result in EUR / USD for 2015 - 2020 amounted to 13 910 748% of the growth of the deposit! From an initial deposit of $ 10,000, the profit was $ 1,391,074,839. See the video example of trading below in the description.
- Choose terminal version, download free advisor
- Unpack and install an advisor in the terminal
- In the field "for Trial" enter email
- Check email and activate account
- See the serial number in your account
- Enter the serial number in the "for Trial"
- In the store, select the number of months
- Enter the number of the real account
- Pay and wait for confirmation
- Download advisor and install in terminal
- In the store, select 24 months
- Enter the number of the real account
- Pay and wait for confirmation
- Download advisor and install in terminal
Free version of advisor
Open an account by referral link
Activate a referral account
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- If I had this advisor in 2015, I would have $13.7 million today!
- Verifying statement of the finalized results of HEDGE GATE for the period of 2015.01.05 - 2021.07.20
- Detailed review results adjustment HEDGE GATE
- What's inside the forex robot HEDGE GATE from 2012.
Main advantage of "HEDGE GATE” advisor – is that there is absolutely no need in optimization or change trading settings that are responsible for the market entry accuracy.
The only thing you might want to modify for your own preferences in advisor settings is the % of total profit, fixed on all trades opened on your trading account, and the intraday time desired for profit fixing on each pair separately.
All the rest is calculated and analyzed by the "HEDGE GATE” advisor!
What does the "HEDGE GATE” do and how it is analyzing the market to gain stable income?
This page, as well as all the others, will not contain a full description of how the advisor is working with detailed description of its logic, as some of it has to be kept secret. The description pages of any advisor are created for a brief introduction, with only basics description. As the trading results and the test results is already a prove of what the strategy is capable of.
So, about "HEDGE GATE”.
- "HEDGE GATE” doesn't needs any optimizations of the trading settings. There is nothing that needs to be optimized, as it is a self-learning trading system with high level of logical calculations of market activities.
- "HEDGE GATE” enters the market at the beginning of the trading day at 00:00 by GMT+2.
- Algorithm of the trading strategy uses market history for analysis, taking the trading day volatility results into account (day candles/bars D1). Historical maximum and minimum of the market, quotes activity and volatility in those values, and many other analysis sources.
- Hedging strategy is used for opened positions and cross pairs analysis.
- "HEDGE GATE” uses almost all major currency pairs in trading - EUR/USD, GBP/USD. (in developing - EUR/GBP, GBP/CHF, CHF/JPY, GBP/JPY, AUD/JPY, USD/CHF, USD/JPY, USD/CAD, AUD/USD, EUR/AUD, EUR/CHF, EUR/JPY).
- "HEDGE GATE” does not uses any averaging systems, loss making positions are not just left in the market to be closed on their own for a long time as soon as they reach any profit, positions are always supported. If you want to use averaging, you can turn it on.
- "HEDGE GATE” does not uses any martingale.
- On all currency pairs used in trading, positions are opened only once a day with the same volumes, and the profit or losses are fixed intraday.
- Profit is fixed by the method of partial position closure in two stages. First - in range of 10 - 50 points, second - in range of 50 - 150 points with trail support of the profit position.
- During the trading day when the total profit is reached in %, set in the advisor trading settings for all positions, advisor will close all positions in the market.
- Profit can be fixed by using the time settings for each used currency pair separately.
- Fully automated trading in MetaTrader 4 terminal, nothing is needed to be done by the trader during trading process.
- Automated capital management. Trader need to set the desired % of deposit use once, and the advisor will automatically calculate trading volume for every new position in relation to the deposit size. Trader can disable this system and use only fixed lot amount for new market positions.
- "HEDGE GATE” was initially created as a trading system for capital management on investor accounts and PAMM accounts. Capital management module "Money Management” is perfectly handling the activity of account's balance, like constant withdrawals and deposits on PAMM accounts. So the "HEDGE GATE” advisor is perfectly suitable for the sole traders, and account managers.
Now let's take a look at the Meta Trader 4 terminal, how it will look like with the "HEDGE GATE” advisor installed. As we are seeing on the picture below, you will not need many charts with different timeframes and currency pair charts. You only need one chart with the day candles to see today's results. No technical or fundamental analysis, with all possible indicators in use! You don't need to monitor how much loss making positions you have and when they will be averaged. You don't need to do anything, just lay back and see how the "HEDGE GATE” is doing all the work!
Trader is only needed to monitor on technical conditions, like a functional PC or the internet connection during the trading days.
- The use of trading settings for the H2, H4, H6 timeframes is possible only in the version for the Meta Trader5 trading terminal.
Available only for registered users who have paid for the license.
You can download all current trading settings. To access the settings download buttons, log in to the site using your login (this is your e-mail address). If you are entering your personal account on for the first time, create your password through the password recovery function.
In your account on the site you can change the numbers of the accounts of the license binding on which the Forex Advisor you purchased will trade.
Current instructions on using and configuring a forex advisor can be found on the advisor description page on our website.
Instructions for hedging adviser HEDGE GATE v.5.1 download for free
To view the test results and download the trading settings, in the table below, in the results cell, click on the symbol in the form of "eyes" - the report with the test results will be loaded. In the report, under the schedule, there are two buttons "DOWNLOAD MT4 SET" and "DOWNLOAD MT5 SET", for downloading the trading setting for the corresponding Meta Trader4 or Meta Trader5 trading terminal.
In the table, in green cells, the results with a safe risk / reward ratio are recommended for safe trading. In yellow cells, results with increased risks. And require control of the load on the account balance when using.
Recommended broker for trading with HEDGE GATE:
We guarantee the quality of our forex robots' order execution, in accordance with international standards, at the presented forex brokers.
Profitability – from 10% to 30% monthly or up to 190% to 300% annual with gained profits reinvested with the minimal use of free funds.
Breakeven/Averaging - StopLoss or the option for loss limitation through total profit fixing on all positions with the hedging module.
Testing results - see all reports ...
Indicators - self learning system is used that is adapting to changed behavioral factors of each currency pair, based on the "Gann square" theory.
Money Management - automated control of trading position volume for market entry in relation to the balance size of a trading account.
Targeted intraday profit.
In previous versions, less advanced similar module was used. How the third generation module is working : You set the desired profit percent which you want to gain during the day in module settings, for each used currency pair. Traders that are using previous versions, are aware that it's not every day you get the market entry signals on all used pairs, as there was not enough validation for projected market activity. So sometimes, we will not be able to reach the set intraday profit. As the set profit percent was always the same with different amount of used currency pairs. Sometimes it was the only pair from the used nine. Desired result was not always reached, with waiting till the end of a session to close the position in any profit possible. Judging by statistics, each currency pair has its volume of intraday volatility, so by using the averaged amount of volatility of used currency pairs, we are now using the averaged amount of profit in percents for each currency pair. So, we are now fixing profits almost on the daily bases, in relation to the total value of all used currency pairs. Resulting in increased profitability and more balanced strategy.
Targeted profit from set date – best decision for the account managers! Traders of our other company the Forex Invest Group OU created multi-task module of targeted profit. Which can perform its calculations form set date and take into account profit and losses on closed positions, market positions and the amount of used currency pairs for the set period. This module is implemented in HEDGE GATE. To create this advisor we've used all our experience with account managing, from us and our other company Forex Invest Group OU.
Module properties.
- Account of profits from start date set in the settings.
- Total account on all opened and closed positions on the trading account, trades that were opened or closed by the HEDGE GATE itself and all the other advisors, scripts or with manual trading etc.
- Constant account of the balance, profits and losses and the amount of used and in use currency pairs for set period.
- Profit fixing by closing all trades on account when set cap of the targeted profit is reached.
- By using this module, account's deposit can be changed in any way, increase or decrease. HEDGE GATE will react to any changes and will adjust its calculations in accordance with the changes. Which in turn takes a load off the manages and PAMM account traders.
Loss hedging module. Algorithm of actions was missed by the traders using averaging. Now there is no need to worry about possible drawdowns with a long term loss making position and its total profit withdrawal on the same trading instrument. Trading strategy by the "GANN SQUARE" theory is one of the most profitable one with the amount of profit trades over 95%, but loss making positions are still, rarely but occurring. Now, with the help of loss hedging module, loss positions are fixed on account of profits made on other instruments. And in most cases, before the averaging module is activated. Possible drawdowns are two limes less likely to happen, along with increased profit factor and mathematical expectation values, thanks to this module.
Module properties.
- When closing the profit position, HEDGE GATE is looking for the position with the most losses in deposit's currency. If there is such position, advisor will close it, fully or partially, decreasing the loss making position's lot volume. Partially, loss hedging is dependent on set value of gained profit in proportions. Advisor can liquidate the loss making position in one or few takes.
- Even during the trading process, advisor supports all opened positions. And if there are loss making positions on account, opened against the trend by mistake by other advisors, manually or in any other was, HEDGE GATE will fix other's mistakes and will lead all opened positions to the total profit. So you can go for the trading with HEDGE GATE having few loss making positions on your account, HEDGE GATE can close the loss making positions opened by other trading systems on account of its profits.
EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURAUD - strategy was created solely for those instruments. Trading settings are supplied with the use of breakeven/averaging.
Recommend leverage 1:100.
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phone +372 74 74 503
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created for the trading terminals
monitorings of our robots
Trade robots: Intersection EA, News Insider EA, Grinder EA, Magelan Chronovisor EA, London TradeEA, Carousel FX AVG, IQ BOX EA, Hedge Gate EA, Forex Azimuth EA, Trend Raptor EA, Tornado FX EA, Shadow Camarillja EA, Pipsodog EA, Dozer EA, Prospector EA, Eureka EA, Pyramid MA, Lucky Candles JPY belongs to Kalinka Capital OU.
CONTACTPurpose of the company: Kalinka Capital OU is regulated by the European Union and Estonian (country of registration) laws. Number of Estonian commercial register nr.12305006. Kalinka Capital OU is not obligated by taxes and has no KMKR (tax.) number. Kalinka Capital OU provides financial statements on annual bases to the MTA - Estonian Tax and Customs Board
FAQ: Kalinka Capital OU is a software developing company and is not providing any investment services.
Home: Trading on Forex and CFDs offers an opportunity to experienced investors who truly understand how markets work, to make a profit. However, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that even knowledgeable investors may have large potential losses from their trading activities. Thus, investors should be fully aware of all the risks associated with trading on Forex and CFDs. In addition, investors should recognize all the negative consequences associated with the trading, as well as to take the risks before you begin to trade, as trading on Forex and CFDs may not be acceptable to them. In addition, it is useful to consider what investors should start to trade using the money they can afford to lose. Please note that our website is neither a solicitation nor an invitation to trade Forex and CFDs.
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